Playing custom content (mods or maps)

Playing custom content (mods or maps)

Joining a server with custom content

You don't need to subscribe to Workshop items to play them. Just join the server; the content will download automatically.

You can sort the server browser to look for custom mods or maps. Click the "UGC" column. Servers with custom maps have an orange background (████), servers with custom mods (or mods and maps) have a cyan one (████) and also have a different name under the "Mode" column.

If you have any problems, please post a bug report on the forums, or through our contact form

Playing offline

Subscribe to the content on the Workshop. Open the game. The launcher will start downloading the files (* in the future, we're may change this to a 'download' button at the bottom-right of the launcher, and eventually add the auto-downloading into the game itself; this page will be updated when this happens), watch the status messages on the bottom-right of the launcher. When it's done, start the game.


Open the console (on a US keyboard, default is ` / ~ (above Tab)). Get the map's file name from the Workshop page; alternatively, type in GetServerSdkMaps and press enter to list all Workshop maps you've downloaded. Enter in 'open <mapname>' and hit enter. For instance, if the map was named 'aocffa-terrificmap_p', enter in:

open aocffa-terrificmap_p


Instructions for playing a mod differ by mod, and should be on the mod's workshop page. Generally it's similar to opening a map, but you add ?modname=something to the map name. So to open moor with Black Knight Mode, you do

open aoffa-moor_p?modname=BlackKnight

Hosting a server

See Hosting a server with custom content, and the Dedicated server download and configuration guide