SDK Overview

The Chivalry SDK lets you create custom maps and modifications for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Currently, the SDK is in an "alpha" state. You can start creating mods and maps now, but it will be a month or a few before we've integrated custom maps/mods into the live version of the game.

The editor will not run on a 32-bit operating system. You might have luck if you try the /3GB switch, but you do so at your own risk. The 32-bit editor is not supported.

Download the SDK

You must own Chivalry to use the SDK. The SDK is included with Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Just browse to the chivalrymedievalwarfare directory within your Steam Library. 

Getting started

See Getting started with map editing and Getting started with modding. Even if you've used an Unreal Engine 3 editor in the past, or worked with UDK, these pages will explain how to do things the Chivalry way.

Example maps

Some example maps are included in UDKGame\ContentSDK\ExampleMaps, demonstrating some custom Chivalry actors and kismet nodes.

Further documentation

See Additional Resources, as well as the rest of this wiki (see the links above, or on the bar on the left side of the page)

Known Limitations and Issues