The Chivalry SDK lets you create custom maps and modifications for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Currently, the SDK is in an "alpha" state. You can start creating mods and maps now, but it will be a month or a few before we've integrated custom maps/mods into the live version of the game.

This documentation is a work-in-progress. I'm throwing up a quick guide to using the SDK. It somewhat assumes existing knowledge of UE3. Documentation is available on the UDN that can familiarize you with the engine.

We're going to be writing up more detailed documentation soon!

Downloading the SDK

You must own Chivalry to use the SDK. To download it, open up your Steam Library, right click on Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Beta and go to Betas. Choose the SDK beta. You'll then be subject to a ~3-5 GB download.

The SDK branch of the dedicated server has the server side of the SDK build.

Example maps

Some example maps are included in UDKGame\ContentSDK\ExampleMaps, demonstrating some custom Chivalry actors and kismet nodes.

Further documentation

Epic's public UE3 documentation on the Unreal Developer Network is by-and-large applicable to Chivalry. Chivalry is based on the July 2012 QA approved build of UE3, which is roughly equivalent to the July 2012 UDK, with some additional custom engine modifications.


Opening the editor

There's two batch files, "- Editor 32-bit.bat" and "- Editor 64-bit.bat" inside the SDK directory (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\chivalrymedievalwarfarebeta) that will open the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the editor, respectively.

Saving a new map and new asset packages

New map and asset packages should be saved to UDKGame\ContentSDK

Creating a new script class

Go into Development\Src. Create a new directory, and within that a Classes directory (see SDKTest for an example). At a minimum, you want to create a new Game class, typically one which extends from AOCGame or one of its subclasses.

To get your new game type loading, you can either add it to the list of DefaultMapPrefixes in UDKGame.ini (though that means you'll have to be sure any server or individual who wants to host a game with that type has those changes), or you can add it as the Default Game Type in your map's World Properties, and then override the SetGameType function inside your game class like this:

static event class<GameInfo> SetGameType(string MapName, string Options, string Portal)
	return default.class;

Compiling scripts

Run the BUILD_SCRIPTS.bat file to compile scripts in Release (full logging). To compile scripts in Final_Release (less logging, faster) run BUILD_SCRIPTS - FINAL_RELEASE.bat. If you Debug scripts, just copy the BUILD_SCRIPTS batch file and add a -debug to the end of the last line.

Running the game with custom, uncooked scripts and maps

See the "- Launch game sdkcontent.bat" file. This adds the -sdkcontent command line switch, which will load all packages contained in UDKGame\ContentSDK

Cooking a custom content package

You want to cook packages before releasing them to the public. Get everything you want to cook into UDKGame\ContentSDK.

Edit COOK.bat, replacing SDKPackage with your mod's name. This can be anything (contrary to the note in the batch file, you don't need to match this with your script package's name, but it's a good idea anyways).

Running cooked content (maps, mods)

Just start the game without the -sdkcontent switch. Open one of your custom maps. Voila. If AOCGame starts instead of your custom gamemode, read Creating a new script class again.

Known Limitations and Issues


See LICENSE.txt in the Development directory for the Terms of Use. This will be fleshed out (and currently says that it can be so fleshed out at any time).

Chivalry SDK Documentation subpages