Kismet is usually run only on the server. This prevents issues where the server and client become out-of-sync and bad things happen. However, for non-gameplay-relevant Kismet, running the Kismet on the server sometimes causes noticeable performance issues. We noticed this with the ships in Hillside, as they use a number of matinees and effects that ended up tanking any server they were run on. Since those ships are purely cosmetic, there's no reason for the server to be involved with them in any way other than initially triggering them. Client-side Kismet allows LDs to run whatever Kismet they want solely on the client, directly giving them the ability to improve server performance while still doing all the Kismet magic they so love.

Keep gameplay-relevant Kismet on the server, do not use client-side Kismet for it! That means no objectives or anything objective-related, no anything that affects gameplay in any way. Just cosmetic things!

Client-side and server-side events

Normal client-side Kismet starts with a client-side event, in contrast to the server-side events that start server-side Kismet. You turn an event into a client-side event by clicking Client Side Only in the event's properties. However, only some events will even fire client-side. A client-side event fires from the client's side; if a thing happens on the server but not the clients, it won't trigger events on the clients (so Objective Completed events won't fire on clients for instance, since that's a purely server thing).

Here's an example:

Note that the Beginning of Level and Level Reset outputs are never fired on the client, since these things only happen on the server. 

Everything connected to this event is now running on the client, not on the server. It's specific to one player. There's no communication between server Kismet and client Kismet, so you can't expect any variables you set in server Kismet to be valid in client kismet.

Client-side matinees should have "Client Side Only" checked in them


This is all well and good, but we have quite a bit of game state in our levels' Kismet, so we we'd like to be able to trigger client-side Kismet from server-side Kismet. For this, we now have a few new tools.

The above example uses a Client->Server Bridge node (found in the AOC Client/Server Comm. category) to start a matinee on every currently-connected player as soon as Level Reset fires on the server. Since everything to the right of the Bridge is running on clients and not on the server, clients who join after the bridge fires won't see the matinee as being underway. They won't see it playing at all. 

The Bridge passes through its output into the client-side Kismet of every currently-connected player, unless a player is explicitly passed to it in its variable link, like so:

This also demonstrates a new event: Player Login. This event fires on the server whenever a player joins the server. It only fires once for every player. This lets you do whatever you need to on the player's client before they've even spawned.

 You can also trigger Remote Events on clients. This node also optionally takes a player, or triggers on every currently-connected player. Remember to check Client Side Only on the Remote Event you want to trigger!

Finally, to pull this all together into something a little less contrived:

In this example, we start with a Signal Fire Extinguished event being shot off on the server. Once this happens, the Kismet shoots over a bridge to start playing a matinee on all the clients on the server. It also enables a player login event that shoots off a second bridge connected to the same matinee. This design pattern fixes the problem where players who join after a bridge fires won't see the result of the bridge (since they missed it), by firing the bridge individually for every new user.

Important notes

There are a few things to watch out for with client-side Kismet:


(There are also client-to-server bridges and events. Client-to-server bridges/events are not secure, you can assume hackers will trigger them if they want to, and you can assume buggy clients might do so by mistake too, so never use them for anything important or gameplay-relevant)